Letterheads, business cards and envelopes are an important part of the business stationery for Daimler Truck Financial Services and name-bearing subsidiaries. Necessary adjustments owing nationally applicable mandatory disclosures under commercial law or for the purpose of using different paper and envelope formats must be considered on a case-by-case basis. The use of a Daimler Truck group reference („endorsement“) is not intended on business stationery of Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH and its name-bearing subsidiaries.
The Daimler Truck Financial Services logotype is always placed at the top center of the letterhead. No other brand marks or visual elements may be placed in its immediate vicinity. Except in the case of the parent company’s letterhead, the name of the subsidiary and its legal form are placed at the top right to precisely identify the respective legal entity. In the footer, all mandatory information under commercial law, complete registration address and contact details such as phone and e-mail are shown in accordance with the relevant national requirements.
Pre-printed letterheads should only be used in exceptional cases, for example, for IT systems with print applications that still require pre-printed forms or for external business correspondence that must meet high standards of haptic quality.
For this reason, in addition to the forms with the standard letterhead of Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH, corresponding editable templates for electronic documents are also available, which can be further modified with MS Word and sent electronically in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format or printed for sending by post. The document templates for MS Word are also pre-installed on employees’ computers at many facilities of Daimler Truck Financial Services.
As far as possible, forms generally follow the structure of the Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH business letterhead. If the design of a form requires a disproportionate amount of modification, the corporate logotype of Daimler Truck Financial Services can be reproduced elsewhere, preferably in the header area, considering the requirements for minimum size and sufficient free space.
In addition to neutral envelopes without sender identification, printed envelopes with the Daimler Truck Financial Services logotype and general address details can be used to send business letters. Printable document templates are available as samples for individualization by the named subsidiaries of Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH.
Business Cards
The design of business cards is binding for all employees and should contain only personal details and no other statements (e.g. for promotional purposes). The business cards of Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH and its subsidiaries are printed on white paper, whereby the print color for all textual information is black. In principle, commercially available pure white paper can be used. Finishing (e.g. embossing of the Daimler Truck Financial Services corporate logotype) on business cards is not intended.
The Daimler Truck Financial Services logotype is centered on the front side of the business card and the full company name and legal form are listed at the bottom of the layout area for subsidiaries. No other information may be placed on the front side. On the back side, all text details are in black on a white background. An academic degree can be placed optionally below the name. Below are the department or function name, which is limited to two lines. The relevant regulations of the organizational guideline on function and job titles of Daimler Truck AG (valid for Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH) must be observed. The contact details on the reverse side comprise a maximum of eight lines, which are left-aligned from bottom to top. Optionally, the first three lines on the right-hand side can be supplemented with an additional “visitor address”.
The brand marks of Daimler Truck AG’s commercial vehicle brands may not be reproduced on the business cards of Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH and its name-bearing companies.
If stamps are required for certain business processes at Daimler Truck Financial Services or subsidiaries, only the full legal name of the respective company may be used in the mixed case (upper and lower case) with the corresponding legal form. The corporate logotype of Daimler Truck Financial Services GmbH is not shown on stamps. The only permissible graphic marking on stamps is the border around the text content. The corporate typeface, Daimler CS, is generally not provided for the design and production of stamps. Preferably, a substitute font (license-free system font) with sans serif properties should be used.
Daimler Truck AG
Fasanenweg 10
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany
Phone +49 7 11 84 85-0
Fax +49 7 11 84 85-20 00
Represented by the Board of Management: Karin Rådström (Chairwoman), Karl Deppen, Andreas Gorbach, Jürgen Hartwig, John O’Leary, Achim Puchert, Eva Scherer
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Joe Kaeser
Commercial Register Stuttgart, Amtsgericht Stuttgart, No. HRB 762884
VAT registration number: DE 32 12 81 771
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