Brand Typeface
Font Family
The brand typeface of OMNIplus and OMNIplus ON is the sans-serif font Daimler CS. The range of the font styles is so comprehensive that modifications of all types, like extending, bending, expanding, contouring, shadowing or similar, are not permitted.
Fallback fonts are used if the brand typeface Daimler CS is not available or its use is not recommended, e.g. as part of data transfers to external partners, in cases where these have not installed Daimler CS on their systems.
Font Styles
From the variety of the different font styles available, the following font weights are approved for use.
Font styles of Daimler CS
Bilingual texts are clearly separated from one another by placing them in different positions within the layout format. There is no additional distinction by means of font style or coloring.
Replacement Font
The system font Calibri is used as a replacement font for Daimler CS and already set by default for all MS Office programs. Daimler CS must not be used for e-mail correspondence outside Daimler Truck as the recipients have usually not installed Daimler CS on their computers and consequently, typeface, line breaks, etc. are automatically changed. The font Calibri has high technical compatibility and enables neutral data transfers between the different software programs and operating systems.
Distribution to External Users
All requests regarding the corporate typeface or the font software are to be addressed only to Daimler Truck group’s departments or employees and its subsidiaries are not allowed to transfer the font software to external third parties. Distributors and service partners must purchase their own license from the rights holder Monotype for the corporate typeface (if required), as this particular use case is not covered by the recent group’s license.