The following specifications apply to all name-bearing companies in the Daimler Truck group. Mandatory adjustments (e.g. in the case of additional, nationally required mandatory legal information or for use with other paper and envelope formats) are allowed.
Where there are official variants of the corporate logotypeCorporate Logotype
It can be a picture, a word or a combination of words and pictures. Colloquially, it is often ... (e.g. for the segments), these are also used in all business printed matter; more detailed rules are set out in the specific specifications of the segments. Group companies that do not carry Daimler (Truck) in their name, but which are majority-owned by Daimler Truck, use the endorsementEndorsement
The use of an corporate brand in order to endorse a sub-brand. The degree of endorsement varies from... “a Daimler Truck company” in the respective national language.
Differentiation between corporate brand and product brands
For communication with end customers, the design and rules and regulations of the respective product brand are generally used to enable a consistent experience of the product brand that is decisive for purchasing throughout the entire customer journey. Communication with business partners, on the other hand, is basically communication of the company and does not appear in the design of a product brand. Third parties (incl. sales/service partners of group companies) cannot use the Corporate Design of Daimler Truck, but must orient themselves to the rules of the product brands relevant to them.
By default, electronic letterhead templates are used, which can be used to print business letters directly from MS Office on standard paper using standard office printers or to save them in PDFPDF
Abbreviation for Portable Document Format. This file format enables documents to be displayed and ... format for purely electronic transmission. Document templates for MS Word are pre-installed in many areas of Daimler Truck AG or available as templates for individualization by Group companies.
Pre-printed letterheads should only be used in exceptional cases (e.g. for systems with print applications that still require forms, or for business communication that must meet a special requirement for value appeal). Print templates or samples for individualization by Group companies are available.
The footer shows all legally required information, the complete sender address and the communication options via telephone and e-mail in accordance with the respective national requirements.
As far as possible, forms follow the structure of the business letter templateTemplate
Outline for a document containing key layout elements that can be filled with new content.. If the structure of a form can only be changed with disproportionate effort, the corporate logotype may also be positioned elsewhere in the header area, taking into account the space requirements.
Unless only standard envelopes are used for sending printed business communications, white envelopes printed according to specifications are used. Document templates are available as templates for individualization by all Group companies.
Business cards
The design of business cards is binding for all employees. It only contains the personal details of the holder and no other messages, e.g. brand claims etc. Business cards of name-bearing group companies are always white; information is printed exclusively in black. In principle, any commercially available pure white quality paper type can be used; additional finishing (e.g. embossing of the company logotype) of business cards is not foreseen.
The corporate logotype is centered on the front side, and the complete legal name of subsidiaries can be listed at the bottom edge. No further information must be placed on the front side. On the back side, all detailed information is shown in black on a white background. The academic degree is optionally shown below the name. Below this is the area or function designation, which is limited to two lines. The specifications of the organizational policy on function or job titles must be observed. The communication information comprises a maximum of eight lines, which are left-justified from bottom to top. Optionally, the first three lines of the communication information on the right side can be supplemented with an additional “visitor address”.
Trademarks of the product brands may not be used on the business cards of name-bearing group companies. Employees whose jobs include personal contact with end customers may also use business cards in accordance with the design specifications of the respective product brand, limited to situations of personal contact with end customers.
Where company stamps need to be used for business processes, only the full legal name of the respective group company may be used in upper and lower case. The corporate logotype is not used. The only permissible graphic design of a stamp is an outline surrounding the text content. Preferably, the substitute font Calibri should be used, but any sans-serif font is suitable as well. The Daimler CSDaimler CS
The “Corporate ASE” typeface trilogy was developed and digitally designed by Prof. Kurt Weidemann ... font is generally not shared with service providers for the production of stamps.
Daimler Truck AG
Fasanenweg 10
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany
Phone +49 7 11 84 85-0
Fax +49 7 11 84 85-20 00
Represented by the Board of Management: Karin Rådström (Chairwoman), Karl Deppen, Andreas Gorbach, Jürgen Hartwig, John O’Leary, Achim Puchert, Eva Scherer
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Joe Kaeser
Commercial Register Stuttgart, Amtsgericht Stuttgart, No. HRB 762884
VAT registration number: DE 32 12 81 771
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